
Why Network Marketing?

There two major reasons to join a network marketing company. One, to earn residual income and two, for its services and educational personal training.

Life could be quite interesting while it dawned on you that life was literally flying by and you found out that you are financially in the same place you were 10 years prior to that. Like most individual each year brought an increase in wages yet the cost of living, taxes, bills, feeding, house rent, school fees, life style and every other expenses always seemed to rise faster than the wages.
There is nothing wrong with working for a living; some of us actually love what we do, it's just that we would love to be able to keep more of what we earn, or better yet earn for more than our expenses. Most of us

always wanted to have a plan B on our finance, but then procrastination creeps in, that nagging felling which shouted loud and clear "you are not getting any younger" what Happened... I was going through a self discovery phase or mid-life crisis, I was ignited when reading a book authored by john Maxwell

"Failing Forward". A spark and over-whelming statement that kept on repeating

"Take Action" Take Action is one of the first steps to eliminating procrastination! Like most people I have met and talk to, rejected MLM - Network marketing, some see it as a "pyramid or ponzi scheme! " yet, as I educated myself and found out just how many business actually utilized this

method and I realized that some of them has based their opinion on someone else preconceived notions! So what do I do???? So what is network marketing?

Network marketing is a method of marketing, that utilizes independent representatives to reach potential customers that company other wise would not reach with traditional online or offline marketing methods while commissions are been paid to distributors or affiliate marketers. How often have you seen ads on television that use the term "independent insurance Agent or Associate?

Yet, as we watch these advertisements we naturally assume they are employees of the company when in reality they are independent business owners! Why are companies willing to pay you to market for them? Why don't they utilize the internet or other traditional marketing method? It's quite simple; they want access to your network that is your network of friends! Today there are hundred of companies offering products and services mainly recognize by their brand name! The products and services you can market today cover everything from communication, internet access, nutritional products, weight loss, financial programs, electrical power, and beverages etc.

 So why do they need us? Traditional marketing methods have companies spending million of dollars each year to market their products and services. They know that word-of-mouth marketing is a far more powerful and effective method of marketing especially, when that message comes from those whom we know and trust! These companies are more willing to pay you to communicate this message to your network of friend and family. It is extremely important to understand that this method of marketing is not about begging your friends and family members, as many would love for you to believe. It is about your ability and skill to determine from those individual within your company has to offer. That information alone is one of the critical elements that separate those who fail from those who go on to become very successful!!!

I truly believe Robert kiyosaki summed it up nicely; it is really the business school for people who like helping people! It is a business in which common people can invest a small sum of money and rise to staggering level of financial reward and personal freedom. Every day millions of people report to work, while your employer leverages your time to build his or her business and financial empires. Leverage is an interesting word in network marketing and business as a whole!!! In network marketing we use two terms to describe that,

"other people's effort" which is "OPE" and other people's money which is

"OPM'' there is a wise saying... I rather earn 1% of 100 people's effort than

100% of my personal effort. Wealthy men and women leverages on their

employee's effort and the little saving that you have saved in the bank. Think about it!! It is time to turn the clock, but then the choice is YOURS!!!. Some people see's a problem and ask why, while others see the same problem and ask why not!!! It all depends on how you see it. Money is always hiding where there is problem.

So you take an action and take it fast!!! In Network marketing we have our initial start up costs anywhere from just a few dollars to several hundreds of dollars. Why most network marketers failed, they felt they don't need a marketing budget for advertising and they don't seek out the educational required to succeed. One of the most important things to remember is, you are in a real business, and you no longer have a boss holding you accountable. Your network marketing success or failure is dependent upon you and your actions. This is a real business, not a get rich quick overnight program; although it has been hyped by a great naive marketers and web site

Network marketing owners. NETWORK MARKETING is based on word of mouth advertising which is the most effective form of advertising. Think about it. When you go out and watch a great movie what do you do? You tell people about it. When you do your hair in the saloon and look sweet what do you do? You tell your friends about it. When you buy something from a discount shop and it is cheap, what do you do? You tell people about it. But the BIG QUESTION is, are you being paid for telling? The answer is capital "NO" so why don't you do the same in network marketing company and get paid. BE WISE!!

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